Elemental Heroes has been a series concept since around
December/2006 as just a twenty slide Powerpoint story. Space Race Championship
didn’t follow until around January/2009. Of the two, though, it was Space Race
Championship that got the most attention. Elemental Heroes felt a very one and
done deal – even if I had very briefly started on a sequel around May/2007.
However, twenty slides seems a bit too little to be
turning into a full story, so it sat on my storage for ten years not being
touched. The idea of the world was too much to pass up – even if there was
little to it. Bit by bit I gleaned everything I could, reworking and expanding
everything. Characters, the world, even the elements themselves. Then there was
the fact that – as I’ve said – twenty slides is a bit too little to be turning
into a full story.
The story as presented in that Powerpoint is easily told
in a paragraph. It’s Halloween, and five teenagers get arrested for something
they didn’t do. In the cell they wait, they find five stones and get launched
into the world of being Power Rang- I mean police force members. 2006 was the
year of Power Rangers SPD, remember, and Dino Thunder still would have been in
my mind at the time. Those five teenagers are recruited into the force, do
battle against a witch named Darcy and her sidekick Draco, and stop her
collecting the elemental powers the force possesses.
Very Rangers inspired, with the elemental powers coming
from Pokémon types and moves. It focused on a few battles and felt very much
like a very condensed season of Rangers. A few names were taken from Rangers,
such as Brandon and Sky, with others coming from other cartoons of the times
[or at least inspired by them]. When planning started on expanding everything,
the names of those characters would be changing.
Max became Martin. Sky became Kieron. Sally became Emma.
Brandon… stayed the same, though the meaning of the name changed. Just as there
was a Brandon Golden in the Alternate Halesowen and Beyond series, so there
became a Brandon Golden in the Elemental Heroes series. This version of Brandon
borrows very little from me as a person, though perhaps is favoured more than
the others.
With the characters defined, I then did the same with the
world, building it up to create a lot of the rules it obeys. From the start I
wanted it to be in episode format rather than naming them chapters. A hold-out
of the fact I still wanted the Rangers feel within. I wasn’t going to go
through an entire forty episodes in one book, but build arcs that were defined
by the book. The first seven episodes introduced the mechanics of the world,
who the heroes and villains were, and a bit of history as well.

The world had taken on a more videogame-like outlook, so
I used that to the full. As such, the main villain of Darcy controls very
videogame-like creatures such as those found in Kingdom Hearts. I separated
Draco from her to become an individual character in his own right, with his own
history that gets explored here.
The first few missions also play out differently between
the two versions. In the original Powerpoint version, the team are instantly
ready to deal with Darcy being who they fight. With the full version, the team
don’t even have their elements to hand as they are called to aid the primary
unit. The second battle involves just the two leaders. Both of those battles
are against a few of those creatures. And speaking of leaders, in the original
version it is Brandon who was the leader, but I settled for Kieron in the full
version as I felt this version of Brandon was better suited to not be
constrained by the leadership role.
The capture of the commander – Gary – moved up the field
a few episodes from the original version. In that original version, he’s
captured just because. Whereas the full version gives a reason in line with the
history on display. Instead, the full version explores the elements and builds
up more of the world. It also introduces the fourth member of the team before
the story hits the point Gary is captured.
The original version then decided to end… weirdly. Evil
was still around yet a break was had from fighting. Competitions were held and
a holiday to Benidorm won. Christmas and New Year’s parties held, and the next
fight with Darcy didn’t take place until February. However, before that took
place, the battle with Draco was held.
This entire section of the story involved Draco leaving
Darcy and mind-controlling the regular citizenry to become his soldiers.
Unfortunately, that part of the original version is the weakest of the lot, and
wouldn’t have worked with the new history and character of Draco. It was also
weak because the team faced no morality about the fact they were defeating the
regular folk of the city they lived.
In the full version, episode six sees Gary captured and
rescued, with the seventh being the victory Darcy been looking for, only to
have it wiped from her. That episode was meant to be a two-part episode, but
when I got to writing it, there simply wasn’t enough material to split it into
two parts. Besides, it’s not like that was the final end.
The sequel of the original version would have involved
time travel. Now isn’t that a fun topic to go into. Darcy would have created
the time element to send the team back to the time when her sisters were
powerful. I don’t need to be using this at all, but the concept of Darcy having
sisters – like all the ideas from the original version – got expanded and
hinted at the end of the full version. The second arc of the full version will
be detailing all that.
So far, only a quarter of this entire story has been
planned, but I know who the characters are and where they are headed. Since I
already have forty episodes pegged total [though that might have to drop a few]
I know roughly how many episodes per arc I want. I also know roughly what those
arcs will be, with the second arc exploring more of the world and of Darcy,
then three more arcs after it. By the time of the final arc, all the elements
will be shown off.
If this look into the planning has you wanting to check this ebook out, you can find Elemental Heroes here [UK link], and all my other ebooks from the sidebar - which will take you to my Amazon Author Page.
If this look into the planning has you wanting to check this ebook out, you can find Elemental Heroes here [UK link], and all my other ebooks from the sidebar - which will take you to my Amazon Author Page.