Wednesday, 1 October 2014

October Nights [Network]

So, yesterday. The sneak peek was posted, end of the month like I said, and though the title will stay in its anagram form for now, I'm sure observant people might have seen what it could be already. I won't be saying any more on it yet, and I definitely won't be giving a release date. Not after what happened with the other novel I said would 'soon' be published.
Either way, onto this month.
Super Smash Bros. 3DS is released in two days, and I hope to be enjoying that. As I predicted, the WiiU refuses to connect to the wireless at this accommadation, and so there won't be any uploads to iDarkRula's MKTV. Or maybe there will. After all, I only need a USB LAN hookup for a wired connection. There might be more on the way.
Uploads to Custom Digital Stories have been sparse. Call it getting used to being back at university, but I should be continuing with them more regularly now. And on top of that, the second half of the banner should be ready this month too.
Now. Blogs posts this month. Star Wars related - what I thought of the newly released Utapau arc of The Clone Wars, and a possible follow up bringing all of the Clone Wars Legacy works together. Sticking with Star Wars, a blog post on what I think of Spark of Rebellion, the Rebels season opener. Its possible that I might have a few things to say on Smash Bros. as well.
On the animation front, let's just say I'll post something up on Youtube by the end of this month. And it all relates to the work I'm doing in this university course. And speaking of Youtube, I haven't forgotten about the fan game video. I'm just preparing.