Saturday, 2 December 2017

December '17 Monthly Update [Network]

A bit of a change-up on certain things stated in last month's update is happening, so only the reviews had gone up. For WattPad, I really want to start putting the last of the stuff from the old site up. That means the few short stories that were on the site get put into Shorts of the Rula, and the entirety of Pokémon: Shadow Boom gets uploaded as its own story. However, it isn't just going to be a straight port of content. There's already a prologue of Shadow Boom that has been rewritten from the first part that was uploaded way back in 2012, and that will start off the new year. The reuploads of the shorts will be dotted throughout next year, and halfway through the Sonic the Hedgehog story will start.

That's for next year, though, and this month is going to be a bit slow. Custom Transform Races are now able to be built on GTA Online, so I've been working on a few. That video will show off two of them. Since the Pokémon Ultra Sun review has fallen into this month, that's two reviews that will be posted. Star Wars: The Last Jedi is coming this month, so a review of that will be posted. Any other content will be announced as it arrives, as for now there's no other plan. If a Nintendo Direct arrives this month, I'll be sure to post about it, but this month is another quiet one.
Now, I know there has been a lot of delay in things I've said would happen, but that will come to an end starting from next year. 2018 should be a big year for me, and I'll be posting new things as they happen.