Monday, 14 September 2015

Second Helpings Served [Network]

I deliberately left this update until the middle of the month for a reason. I've been reviewing things to put on my Youtube channel and came up with two particular games. The first would be a series of sorts, running through races I have created. The other would be just small highlight reels, as I do with Battlefront, showing off a particular space-faring game I seem to always talk about. Those games are Grand Theft Auto Online and Elite: Dangerous. In the next week, I aim to have a video up of each.
Relating to CDS Media and those fan fictions I write, I'm sure you've seen that the Animal Crossing story has taken its place back in rotation. And I aim to make it so each fiction gets a part added per week. It's about time it got to that point again.
I am back at university and the second year of animation will soon be starting. I expect the next animated piece will be coming soon from that. I am certainly looking forward to get back into it, though that's not to say I haven't been doing anything over the summer. Though unlisted, I created a short piece just showing two spacecraft exiting from a hangar that has been uploaded. I've been working on a load of unsaved things on Toon Boom as well.
I realise blog posts have been a bit vacant as well, with only the monthly updates, so I'm definitely going to get some done this month. And as I recall, a certain plumber celebrates his 30th this month and year, so I expect that gives you a clue as to something you'll be seeing.
As always, keep an eye out for small updates on both Facebook and Google+, and with that, this update comes to a close.

Spacecraft Flight Unlisted Animation